Volunteer with Children
You have the opportunity to support numerous social projects with children in Chile. Read More
If you are passionate about helping others or want to get involved, then volunteering in Chile is a great opportunity. As a volunteer, regardless of your training, you can actively engage in a project, make a contribution to international understanding and make new friends for life. At the same time, you will expand your Spanish skills and gain unforgettable experiences that will broaden your horizons.
We work with a multitude of social institutions and non-profits and arrange a wide variety of volunteer work in Chile. Whether it be in the far north, down to the deep Patagonia. The assignment takes in your preferences and are in areas such as social issues, the environment, nature, or animals.
Register now or make a non binding inquiry
The Chileans – a very warm and open-minded people!
Volunteering gives you the opportunities to come into direct contact with the people of Chile. You will automatically benefit from their hospitality, warmth and openness.
You can find more reasons for working as a volunteer in Chile here: Reasons for volunteering in Chile
Most of the volunteer projects are to support people in need in Chile, and to show them new perspectives and to give them hope again. With your commitment you can take on a role and make an active contribution to these projects. You have the opportunity to help other people and give them a smile again.
But you also benefit from such an activity. During the voluntary service in Chile you will be able to gain a lot of valuable and priceless experiences. You will make new friends and very likely see the world through a different lens. You will get to know the open-minded way of the Chileans, their carefree way of coping with life.
By the way, you will of course learn Spanish and improve your Spanish skills. With Spanish being the second most spoken language in the world today and becoming increasingly more important due to the growing economic ties between the industrialized countries and South America, this is particularly valuable, at least from a professional point of view.
ChileVentura supports you in every way during your stay in Chile, whether it be the selection of leisure activities, travel planning or the search for accommodation. We actively advise you and are happy to assist you with questions and problems of any kind, in order to make your stay an unforgettable one.
There is a great variety of possible areas for volunteering in Chile. Our projects for our volunteers are spread throughout the country. In the social area there are volunteer opportunities working with children, the elderly, the disabled and the homeless.
Area of Work
You can decide where you want to volunteer. Most of the projects are in the areas of social work, environment, nature, animal welfare, infrastructure in rural areas, ecotourism and agriculture. Many of our projects support people in poverty, street children or the indigenous population in order to offer them new opportunities in the future.
Work Hours
Work hours are usually 6 to 8 hours per day, Monday to Friday. There is however the option to work only half a day or 3-4 days a week.
As a general rule, you will not receive compensation for volunteering in Chile. Because the sponsors of the projects are happy about every volunteer and donor and don’t receive much funding, you also will most likely have to pay for accommodation as well.
The low cost of living helps with the unpaid wage though. In addition, the experiences and impressions that you will gain in a volunteer project cannot be bought with money and are worth far more than any salary.
Duration and timing
You determine the length of your stay. Due to the adjustment period, it is ideal to not go for less than a month. Half day positions and volunteer work in animal shelters are also possibly for a shorter period (around 2 weeks).
Knowledge of Spanish
Since you are usually in close contact with people in volunteer projects, it is important to have a good knowledge of Spanish. You should be able to understand people and be able to talk to them. You don’t speak Spanish yet or only very little? No problem.
In selected Spanish schools in Chile you will reach the necessary language level in a few weeks before starting your volunteer work. If you do not yet have any knowledge of Spanish, we recommend attending a language course of at least 6 weeks.
You can find more questions and answers about volunteering in Chile in our FAQ.
without accommodation
with accommodation and airport pickup
Combine volunteering with work and travel, ranch stay or au pair
If you are planning a longer stay, you can e.g. also combine 2 volunteer work for 3 months or 1 volunteer work and 1 work and travel job, an au pair or ranch stay throughout different locations in Chile. Our programs can be combined with one another as needed. The best thing is, if you combine several programs in Chile, you will receive the following discounts on the program cost.